The Viscardi Center

Our Impact

Digital accessibility is vital to empowering the world’s largest minority group towards equal access and representation online.

Making digital environments accessible allows:

  • Students of all ages to use eLearning applications and complete schoolwork independently
  • Customers to navigate websites and apps to shop and use services
  • Residents to actively participate in the community
  • Parents to utilize online resources for their children’s benefit
  • Employees to operate internal documents and applications to conduct work and increase productivity
Close-Up of keyboard with finger hovering over a button that says "accessibility.

Through global, strategic partnerships, The Viscardi Center delivers digital accessibility services to over 100 businesses, organizations, educational and financial institutions, and municipalities across the U.S.

United States maps showing Viscardi service locations

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The Viscardi Center - Digital Accessibility Services
Address: 201 I.U. Willets Rd, Albertson, NY 11507

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