The Viscardi Center

Accessibility Statement

The Viscardi Center is committed to ensuring its websites conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (W3C WCAG) Version 2.1 Level AA standard and the Section 508 guidelines.  We understand accessibility is an ongoing process and we will continue to improve and maintain the accessibility of our websites, while adhering to these standards and guidelines.

In addition, we welcome your feedback. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please email our team at and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement.

While we do not control third-party content, we champion accessibility to ensure it is user friendly for all.

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The Viscardi Center User Agreement

The following User Agreement governs all official Viscardi accounts on social media platforms and websites, including, but not limited to, social networking pages, blogs and file sharing sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). Please read this Agreement carefully. This Agreement may be modified at any time. Your participation on any of The Viscardi Center or Henry Viscardi School social media accounts constitutes your agreement to comply with these rules and any future revisions. If you cannot follow these rules, please do not participate. Your failure to follow these rules may result in suspension or termination of your access to Viscardi’s social media accounts, without notice.

Comments are Subject to Public Disclosure

All comments submitted or posted on Viscardi’s social media accounts are subject to public disclosure. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates this policy or any applicable law.

Comments by Others are Not Endorsed
The Viscardi Center and its network of organizations does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements posted on its social media accounts. Any online information or material, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those making the comments. These comments do not necessarily represent the views of The Viscardi Center and its network of organizations.

The Right to Report Threatening Comments

The Viscardi Center reserves the right to report any comments that imply harm or imminent danger to yourself or others. By submitting or posting a comment, you accept that The Viscardi Center has the right to contact the appropriate authorities to report any suspicious activities, threats or behaviors.

Comments Submitted on Social Media Accounts

The Viscardi Center and its network of organizations reserve the right to review, edit, move or delete any material submitted as a comment on its social media accounts. When possible, the Viscardi team will remove personally identifiable information or delete comments to protect visitors’ identities. Visitors should not include identifiable information (e.g., an email address, Social Security Number or phone number) in their comment.

While we encourage submissions from all viewpoints, we ask that all participants agree to the following

Terms of Participation:

  • Please post only questions or comments directly related and relevant to The Viscardi Center, its network of organizations, and the topics discussed.
  • Refrain from posting questions that contain threats, obscenities and any other material that would violate the law if published, such as abusive, defamatory or sexually explicit material.

Submissions containing the following will be deleted:

  • Obscene or threatening language or discrimination (hate speech) based on race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, age or disability;
  • Commercial services or products;
  • Any personal or sensitive information (phone numbers, email or postal addresses);
  • Any endorsement of religious beliefs/practices or political parties, candidates or groups; and

Although The Viscardi Center will monitor all websites on a regular basis for inappropriate or defamatory content, comments submitted after regular business hours, Monday through Friday, or on weekends will be reviewed on the next business day.

External Links

The Viscardi Center reserves the right to remove any URLs that pose or appear to pose a security threat to the site and other users. Users are advised to click on links posted by other users at their own risk.


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The Viscardi Center - Digital Accessibility Services
Address: 201 I.U. Willets Rd, Albertson, NY 11507

Accessibility Statement | Privacy Statement | © 2022 The Viscardi Center. All rights reserved.